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  • +91 9975 515 145

Caraway - Whole

(120 reviews)

The use of caraway is well-known in classic days and it is believed that its use originated with the ancient Arabs, the ancient Arabs called the ‘seeds’ Karawya and so the origin of our word Caraway and the Latin name Cam, According to Pliny the name Carvi was derived from Caria, in Asia Minor, where according to him the plant was originally found. In old Spanish the name of caraway occurs as Alcaravea. The use of caraway was also quite popular during the Middle Ages and in Shakespeare’s times.

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  • Weight 90 gram
Products Infomation

The use of caraway is well-known in classic days and it is believed that its use originated with the ancient Arabs, the ancient Arabs called the ‘seeds’ Karawya and so the origin of our word Caraway and the Latin name Cam, According to Pliny the name Carvi was derived from Caria, in Asia Minor, where according to him the plant was originally found. In old Spanish the name of caraway occurs as Alcaravea. The use of caraway was also quite popular during the Middle Ages and in Shakespeare’s times.